UNITE Seminar & Colloquia Attendance Sheet
EE 8660: Magnetics Seminar

One credit (S-N only)
Term: Year:

Seminar Date Seminar Speaker

Names of Registered Students attending Seminar Email address


Names of Interested Parties attending Seminar (for University Information Only)

In order for registered students to receive credit, they MUST sign an attendance sheet for each and every seminar.  All students can sign on one form.  (NOTE: Additional requirements may be set by the colloquia coordinator in order to receive credit as well).

Press the button below to submit this course request. Upon successful submission, in the browser window that follows this window, you will see a message informing you that your request has been sent and you may close the browser window. If the message in the next indicates otherwise, please follow the instructions provided.


Phone:  612-624-2332
Email: unite@umn.edu

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