UNITE Seminar & Colloquium Webcasts

UNITE Distributed Learning has partnered with several University departments and programs to present streaming video broadcasts of their on-campus seminars and colloquia to approved viewers outside the University.

UNITE video requires modern HTML5 video compatible web browsers or mobile devices, or Flash. Click here to view the full system requirements and view a demo.

Participating departments and programs include:

  • Computer Science
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Magnetics

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If you have already signed up, please log in with your email address and password below to view the webcasts.

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New users:
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NOTE: University of Minnesota students are expected to attend the seminars in-person, on campus.

If you are not a University student, and you'd like to be granted access to watch online, please enter your information below and select which seminar(s) you would like to watch.

Tip: use your corporate/work email address for faster approval.

Email Address:
Re-type Email Address:
Seminars: Computer Science
Electrical Engineering

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